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Rabvet rabbit products

A holistic veterinary rabbit research company with its roots in rabbit husbandry and rabbit feeds. We only develop rabbit products.


Made from South Australia Hay grass

Made from South Australia Hay grass


hay and grass based hard chewy nugget for natural dental wear from 5 months of age.


Made from South Australia Hay grass

Made from South Australia Hay grass


Hay and grass sugar free pellet for gut health and dental care for all life stages.


Fussy Rabbit Brand

  • The most loved rabbit are often fussy. Fussy rabbit feed products improve the wellbeing, gut health and dental health for all ages of rabbits.

  • Nutri-Pellets are a hay and grass sugar free pellet for gut health and dental care for all life stages. Nuggets and sticks are a hay and grass based hard chewy nugget for natural dental wear from 5 months of age.

  • Rabbits are coprophagic monogastric herbivores, indicating feed is processed twice. Firstly, by ingestion of primary feed sources and the typical breakdown of the contained nutrients, which are then absorbed by the general gastrointestinal system…

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about our products?

"Life's like a buffet, and rabbits have the salad bar on lockdown!" 🥗🐰

"Life's like a buffet, and rabbits have the salad bar on lockdown!" 🥗🐰